
Frequent Questions

  1. What is the main focus of CricketCrowd?
  2. How do I submit content such videos, news and photos?
  3. What happens after I post content such as a video clip?
  4. Why doesn't CricketCrowd show longer video clips?
  5. How to get involved with CricketCrowd?
  6. What is the CricketCrowd Officers Group?

What is the main focus of CricketCrowd?

Our main aim to provide the most comprehensive library of cricket video clips for our viewers. While we do provide other complementary services such as the latest scores, photos and news within the website, the CricketCrowd platform is highly optimized for displaying videos in the most user-friendly manner - with rapid access to clips.

How do I submit content such videos, news and photos?

We have adopted a collaborative model whereby anyone can submit content onto the CricketCrowd platform for display and access by its viewers. To submit content such as videos,

  1. Logon (for first time users, its free to register)
  2. Use the "Submit" button (on the left hand side of any of the web pages) to link any existing URL to post your item on CricketCrowd
  3. To complete the "submit" process, you will need to insert the URL, title and description. Also, please pick the most suitable "category" for your content.

For video content, you can post existing clips from YouTube, MetaCafe and DailyMotion. There is no need to re-upload your content - simply use the supplied URL to link into CricketCrowd as described above.

What happens after I post content such as a video clip?

Your clip appears automatically at the bottom (last) page of the chosen category. The CricketCrowd Administrators review the posted items on a regular basis, every day - they add any related clips and also may add to your description. All content considered to be newsworthy and/or of high quality are moved up the list by the administrators so that it is seen by more of the viewers.

Why doesn't CricketCrowd show longer video clips?

Our content aggregation model is focused on capturing the "essence" of a moment or a game for viewing by our members. The feedback that we regularly obtain suggests that viewing a 6-10 minute package of highlights of a game is very important for our members, most of whom are very time-poor.

Our focus is on the "PlayBack" aspect of any moment in international cricket. Hence, why we focus on short, bite-sized highlights in our aggregation of content for the benefit of our viewers.

How to get involved with CricketCrowd?

We are looking for volunteers with specific skills to join the CricketCrowd family. To find out more details, checkout the "Want to Contribute?" page in the About section of the website.

What is the CricketCrowd Officers Group?

CricketCrowd is an organisation that values diversity. At the heart is the CricketCrowd Officers Group (COG) - an advisory body.

The purpose of the CricketCrowd Officers Group (COG) is for its members to guide the direction of the CricketCrowd website. "Advisory" means just that. The members of this group sit at the invitation of CricketCrowd on a volunteer basis. This group is the forum where CricketCrowd can also test out ideas for the website before they are implemented. The COG Members are appointed on a 12-month rolling cycle and are based around the world.

To find out more details, or to contact the COG, please email

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What are these?
Nahid Rana

Nahid Rana
(International Debut: 2024)


Deep, Akash

Deep, Akash
(International Debut: 2024)


Sinclair, Kevin

Sinclair, Kevin
(International Debut: 2021)

West Indies

* A random selection from our most recent newcomers

Stewart, Michael J
(Born on this day 92 yrs ago)


Henry, Cornelius C

Henry, Cornelius C
(Born on this day 68 yrs ago)


Gurusinha, Asanka P
(Born on this day 58 yrs ago)

Sri Lanka

*These videos are a random selection from today's birthdays
around the world
CricketCrowd Articles