Clipdex page for "23 Jan"

Closest test win: Analysis of 1 run thriller (Adelaide)

Amla ton wins series despite Yusuf fightback: 5th ODI (Centurion) - 2 of 2

Patil defies Lillee, India secure tense draw (1980/81)

Check out our other "23 Jan" videos

Does Murali chuck? Aussie media hit out

Proteas crush Aussies to take ODI series: Highlights of 3rd and 4th ODI (2009)

Morkel: Powerplays are working for me

Morkel powers to win in record chase: 3rd ODI (SCG)

Murali called again, Arjuna steps in: Adelaide (1999)

Closest result in tests: Aus vs Windies (1993)

Neil Harvey: A Profile

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* A random selection from our most recent newcomers
Davis, Bryan A

Davis, Bryan A
(84 yrs)

West Indies

Ironside, David E J

Ironside, David E J
(99 yrs)

South Africa

Yasir Shah
(38 yrs)


*These videos are a random selection from today's birthdays
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